Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Twitter Favorites

1. If you want good things to happen to you: listen, think and practice self-control. Marilyan Hahn
2. "Envisioning the end is enough to put the means in motion." -Dorothea Brande
3. If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. — Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
4. “Women are made to be loved, not understood.”Oscar Wilde
5. “Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right ...” ~ Richard Armour
6. "Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are." - Kurt Cobain
7. True success is the progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to express spontaneous joy & share it with others
8. "Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how." Author Unknown
9. "You accomplish victory step by step, not by leaps and bounds." -Lyn St. James
10. “Life is half spent before we know what it is.” ~ George Herbert
11. "To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it." Confucius:
12. The only real failure in life is the failure to try.
13. When we love, we always strive to become better than we are -Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)
14. "Success in the end depends on how he have helped other to arrive at the same or similar destinations" Kevin DeSoto
15. The key to immortality is first....: The key to immortality is first to live a life worth remembering.-- Bruce Lee
16. “Have you ever noticed what golf spells backwards?” ~ Al Boliska
17. We all have to take defeats in life. Muhammad Ali
18. “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” ~ J. F. Kennedy
19. "If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning fo..
20. “This strange disease of modern life, with its sick hurry, its divided aims.” ~ Matthew Arnold
21. Superficial goals neither help develop your potential nor satisfy your heart. — Philip Arnold
22. "The important thing is this : To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." - Charles Dubois
24. Superficial goals neither help develop your potential nor satisfy your heart. — Philip Arnold
25. "Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." - Anthony J. D'Angelo
26. "The important thing is this : To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." - Charles Dubois
27. "There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved. " - George Sand
28. "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities." - Janos Arnay
29. Honor does not have to be....: Honor does not have to be defended.-- Robert J. Sawyer
30. One's first step in wisdom is to question everything and one's last is to come to terms with everything. — Lichtenberg
31. Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth; lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust; lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe. - NZ Liturgy Midday Prayer
32. "Strength lies in differences, not in similarities." - Stephen Covey8 minutes ago from web
33. “In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.” David Auerbach
34. Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I will meet you there. Rumi
35. True love brings up everything. You're allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily. — Jennifer Aniston
36. Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.—Spinoza
37. "Strong men can always afford to be gentle. Only the weak are intent on giving as good as they get." Elbert Hubbard
38. "You accomplish victory step by step, not by leaps and bounds." -Lyn St. James
39. The only real failure in life is the failure to try.
40. “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” ~ J. F. Kennedy
41. “This strange disease of modern life, with its sick hurry, its divided aims.” ~ Matthew Arnold
42. A room without books is like a body without a soul." – Cicero
43. Be content with your lot; one cannot be first in everything. — Aesop
44. "Look deep into nature, then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein
45. Can miles truly separate you from friends..If you want to be with someone you love, are you not already there?..Richard Bach~
46. Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. — Elbert Hubbard
47. You must not change one thing, one pebble, one grain of sand, until you know what good and evil follow the act. Ursula K. LeGuin
48. "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world." - George Santayana
49. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. -Mahatma Gandhi
50. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. — Maria Robinson
51. "Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing." Wayne Dyer
52. : "We may not be what we want to be, but thank God we are not what we used to be." Tim Storey
53. "Let us not be too particular; it is better to have old secondhand diamonds than none at all." - Mark Twain
54. "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." Denis Diderot
55. “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.” ~ Aristotle
56. "Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it." - John Maxwell
57. "The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure." - Sven Goran Eriksson
58. "Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted." - David Bly
59. “A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” ~ D. D. Eisenhower
60. "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." Carl Gustav Jung - great book:
61. Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor.” ~ Robert Frost
62. "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” Joseph Campbell
63. “I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it.” ~ F. A. Clark
64. "Always stand up for what you believe in…even if it means standing alone." Kim Hanks
65. “Reason is our soul's left hand, faith her right.” ~ John Donne
66. John Wooden: "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
67. "Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?" Abraham Lincoln
68. Every child is an artist. The problem is how 2 remain an artist once he grows up.-Picasso
69. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” ~ Albert Einstein
70. "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin
71. "One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings." – Diogenes
72. True love brings up everything. You're allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily. — Jennifer Aniston
73. "A room without books is like a body without a soul." – Cicero
74. "We may not be what we want to be, but thank God we are not what we used to be." Tim Storey
75. "Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it." - John Maxwell
76. "Always stand up for what you believe in…even if it means standing alone." Kim Hanks
77. “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” ~ Galileo Galilei
78. "Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun." George Scialabba
79. The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly. Corra Harris
80. You can't take money to the hereafter but true love would make a great companion in eternity. — Philip Arnold
81. Too low they build, who build beneath the stars. — Edward Young
82. "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions" Albert Einstein
83. "Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished." - Og Mandino
84. "I know of only one duty, and that is to love". - Albert Camus
85. "The reason Angels can fly is because they take themselves so lightly."
86. Live every day as though it's your last. One day you'll get it right! - Zig Ziglar
87. "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions" Albert Einstein
88. "One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes." - Benjamin Disraeli
89. "Compassion is difficult to give away . . . because it keeps coming back." – Unknown
90. "The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge." - Bertrand Russell
91. "He who has a why to Live can bear with almost any how." - Victor Frankl
92. "You become great by doing little things in a great way everyday." ~ Robert Russell
93. "Live out of your imagination, not your history." Stephen Covey
94. "The very trimming of the vain world would clothe all the naked one." - William Penn
95. "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions" Albert Einstein

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Notes 1

The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion.
- G. K. Chesterton

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My favorite Quotes

The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers. -Deepak Chopra
Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost

Religious Photos

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Wooden Cross

Family Photos

Manoj Jophy in Dubai- Congrats
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Sonia n Julia in Genoa, Italy

Friday, August 28, 2009

Choicest Blessings

May the power of God this day enable me, The nakedness of God disarm me, The beauty of God silence me, The justice of God give me voice, The integrity of God hold me, The desire of God move me, The fear of God expose me to the truth, The breath of God give me abundant life.

May the blessing of God's soft rain be on you, falling gently on your head, refreshing your soul with the sweetness of summer flowers newly blooming.

A Blessing for the Day

May the God of the dawn awaken you; May the God of sunrise stir you up; May the God of morning bless your work. May the God of noon renew your strength. May the God of sunset bring you home. May the God of dusk soothe your soul. May the God of night bring you rest. [Adapted from a blessing by Andrew Greeley]

May God be beside you when you walk, in your voice when you talk, in your eyes when you see, in your ears when you hear; in your heart when you pray; in your mind when you think; and in your hands when you touch. In every sense may it be that God is with you eternally.

May the power of God guide you, The might of God uphold you, The wisdom of God teach you, The eye of God watch over you, The ear of God hear you,The word of God give you speech, The hand of God protect you, The way of God go before you, The shield of God shelter you. [Adapted from th eLorica by St. Patrick]

God keep you safe, God keep you warm, God keep you and yours from all harm. May He bless your kith and kin, the hearth, the house and all within.
May God in His wisdom and infinite love Look down on you always from heaven above. May He send you good fortune, contentment and peace. And may all of your blessings forever increase.

God bless the corners of your house and all the lintels blessed. And bless the hearth and bless the board and bless each place of rest, And bless each door that opens wide to strangers as to kin, And bless each crystal window pane that lets the starlight in, And bless the rooftop overhead and every sturdy wall. The peace of man. The peace of God. With peace and love for all.

Irish Christmas Blessing.
May the God of the misty dawn awaken you; May the God of the rising sun stir you up; May the God of the morning sky send you on your way; May the God of noonday stillness renew your strength; May the God of afternoon bring you home. May the God of sunset delight your eye. May the God of twilight calm your nerves. May the God of dusk bring you peace. [Fr. Andrew Greeley]

When the wind is howlin' in everyone's ears, May you hear a soft, lilting breeze; And if the rain is lashin' down, May it only be dew at your knees. If the ground 'neath your feet should quiver and shake, I hope you'll be standin' with ease; And never go hungry or wantin' for much; May God grant you all that you need!

May the blessing of light be upon you, Light without and light within, And in all your comings and goings. May you ever have a kindly greeting from them you meet along the road.

I bind myself today: The power of God to hold and lead, His eye to watch, His might to stay, His ear to hearken to my need, The wisdom of my God to teach, His hand to guide, His shield to ward, The word of God to give me speech, His Heavenly Host to be my guard. [Attributed to St. Patrick]

May God grant you for every storm, a rainbow; for every tear, a smile; for every care, a promise; and His blessings all the while.

May the grace of God’s protection and His great love abide within your home and within the hearts of all who dwell inside.

May you live a long life full of gladness and health, With a pocket full of gold as the least of your wealth. May the dreams you hold dearest be those which come true, The kindness you spread keep returning to you. May the friendships you make be those which endure, And all of your grey clouds be small ones for sure. And trusting in Him to Whom we all pray, May a song fill your heart every step of the way. [Grace E. Easley]

May the good Lord give you walls to keep out the wind, A strong roof above you to protect from rain and sun. May the warmth of the fire be always waiting for you, And a lovely smile of welcome when your day is done.

God bless the work; God bless the arms that push the plow; God bless the hands that milk the cow; God bless the fingers that spin the wheel; God bless the legs that turn the field; God bless the eyes closed in prayer; God bless all who toil; God bless all here.

Blessing for a Wedding

May golden sunlight guide your way and renew the joy of your wedding day. May day’s warmth turn away the cold and protect your love from growing old. And if our love should start to wane, May God grant you strength to begin again. [Edited and Adapted from a blessing by Fr. Andrew M Greeley]

Grace before a meal

May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, and new thoughts to weary minds. May this drink restore our souls, giving new vision to dry spirits, and new warmth to cold hearts. And once nourished and refreshed, May we give thanks to Him who gives us all and makes us blest.

Adapted from an old Irish blessing

Back to School Blessing

May the patron saints of scholars and academics - Brigid of Ireland, Catherine of Alexandria, Nicholas of Myra, and Thomas Aquinas ask the Father of all knowledge to bless students with a love of learning and their teachers with wisdom and understanding.

A blessing for those taking a journey

The love and affection of the angels be to you, The love and affection of the saints be to you, The love and affection of heaven be to you, To guard and to cherish you. May God shield you on every step, May He aid you on every path, And may He hold you safe on every slope, On every hill and on every plain; On earth and on sea until you are home again.

Deep peace of the running waves to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the smiling stars to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the watching shepherds to you. Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you. [Old Irish Prayer]

God bless the house in which you dwell. Bless every window and every wall. Bless every soul beneath its rafters, Bless every heart that brings it laughter.Bless every foot that walks through its doors. God bless the house that shelters you and yours.

May God make safe to you each step, May God make open to you each pass, May God make clear to you each road, And may He take you in this clasp to keep you safe, keep you warm and protect you and yours from all harm.

From Carmina Gadelica (Vol. III, p. 203)

God's Presence

This day I call to me: God's strength to direct me, God's power to sustain me, God's wisdom to guide me, God's vision to light me, God's ear to my hearing, God's word to my speaking, God's hand to uphold me, God's pathway before me, God's shield to protect me, God's legions to save me. [from A Retreat With St. Patrick]

Tea-time blessing
God willing, may our teabe steeped in serenity, sweetened by sharing, and surrounded by the warmth of your love.

May you be blessed withwarmth in your home, love in your heart, peace in your soul and joy in your life.

May a rainbow gladden your eyes. May soft winds freshen your spirit; May sunshine brighten your heart; May the burdens of the day restlightly upon you; And may God enfold you in the mantle of his love.

Blessings of the day

May the blessing of the rain be on you—the soft sweet rain. May it fall upon your spirit so that all the little flowers may spring up, and shed their sweetness on the air. May the blessing of the great rains be on you, may they beat upon your spirit and wash it fair and clean, and leave there many a shining pool where the blue of heaven shines, and sometimes a star.

In Your Home
May those walls be filled with laughter, may it reach from floor to rafter. May the roof keep out the rain, may sunshine warm each windowpane. And may the door be open wide to let the Good Lord's love inside.

For You
May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!

May the morning sun stir you from the bed. May the winds of March move you on the road. May the rains of April renew you strength. May the flowers of May captivate your sight. May summer heat inflame your zeal. May autumn color stimulate your dreams. May the silver moon make you wiser yet. May you never be with yourself content.May Jesus and Mary keep you young; Full of life and laughter and a heavenly song. [edited adapted from A Blessing for Challenge by Fr. Andrew Greeley]